Jitsi Meet Controls

Participant Bar:

  1. Flip the Camera View from Left to Right
  2. Hide Self View For Podcast Producer God Mode
  3. Pin to Stage

Bottom Menu Ellipsis (…) Controls

Bottom Bar Ellipsis (…)

Invite People – Copy the Link and Share it with others via Email, Google, Outlook, or Yahoo

Performance Settings: Adjust for 1. Better Performance or 2 Higher Quality

View Full Screen – Best for Recording

Security Options:

Lobby Mode

Add a Password to Bypass Lobby

End-to-End Encryption Disables Mobil Phone Participation

Start Recording: Limited to 100 Minutes

  1. Save File Locally
  2. Record on Host Audio & Video

Start Live Stream: Needs YouTube Live Stream Key

Share Video:Enter your YouTube or Other Direct Video Link
Share Audio using a Chrome Tab
Click on the Audio Only Tab Link

Noise Suppression: The System Wil Notify You When Supression is Needed.

Select Background: Works Best with Green Screen

Participants Stats – Who’s Talking Now

Settings: Podcast Producers Control Panel

  1. Audio Setup and Testing

  1. Video Camera Setup

Virtual Background: Works Best with Green Screen

Notifications: Podcast Producer Settings

Play Sounds On:

  1. Meeting Reactions
  2. Incoming Messages
  3. Participant Joined
  4. Participant Left
  5. Talk While Muted
  6. Participants Entered Lobby
  7. Chat Messages

Moderator: Podcast Producer Basic Options

  1. Everyone Starts Muted
  2. Everyone Starts Hidden
  3. Everyone Follows Me
  4. Mute Reaction Sounds for Everyone

Profile: Bottom Third Name & Gravatar Image

Keyboard Shortcuts: Activate & Deactivate

Both User’s and Producer’s Keyboard Shortcuts

f = Show or Hide Sidebar Thumbnails
m = Mute Mic
v = Start or Stop Camera
a = Manage Video Quality
c = Open of Close Chat
d = Switch Between Camera and Screen Sharing
p = Show or Hide Participant Pane
s = View of Exit Full Screen
w = Toggle Title View
t = Show Participants Stats
Alt+t = Send Thumbs Up Reaction
Alt+c = Send a Clap Reaction
Alt+l = Send Laugh Reaction
Alt+o = Send Surprised Reaction
Alt+b = Send BOO Reaction
Alt+s = Send Crickets Silence Reaction
Show or Hide Keyboard Shortcuts = ?
Push to Talk = [SPACE BAR]
Focus on Your Video = 0
Focus on Another Persons Video = 1 thru 9

General Settings: Podcast Producer Option

  1. Number of Participants
  2. Hide and Unhide Self View (God Mode Feature)

Bottom Menu Bar:

  1. Mute Mic
  2. Stop Video

  1. Start Share Screen
  2. Chrome Tab
  3. Window Tab
  4. Entire Screen
  5. Share or Mute Audio

  1. Open Chat Board
  2. Raise Hand to Ask a Question (Best for Live Interviews)

Podcast Producers Participant Menu

  1. Meeting Participant Count
  2. Invite Someone
  3. Search Participants
  4. Control Audio and Video
  5. Add Breakout Room


  1. MUTE All
  2. Stop Everyone’s Video
  3. Attendees Controls:
  4. Allow Attendees to Unmute Themselves
  5. Allow Attendees to Restart Their Video
  6. Quick Link to Podcast Producers Control Panel

Producers Guest Ellipsis (…) Control Panel

  1. Unmute Request Beep
  2. Mute Everyone Else (They Can Unmute Themselves)
  3. Disable Camera of Everyone Else (They can Reactive)
  4. Grant Moderator Rights to Participants
  5. Kick Out of Meeting
  6. Pin to Stage
  7. Send Private Message
  8. Adjust Audio